Peregrine UAV-borne Ice-Penetrating Radar System

A field-portable fixed-wing UAV equipped with a miniaturized ice-penetrating radar

Peregrine is a small (2 meter wingspan) fixed-wing UAS carrying a custom miniaturized ice-penetrating radar, built around the Open Radar Code Architecture (ORCA) that Anna Broome and I spent much of our PhD’s developing.

You can find the main project page for ORCA here or see our paper at the bottom of this page.

A photo of Peregrine flying over a glacier in Svalbard during testing. Photo by Eliza Dawson.
A "film strip" visualization of radar data collected by Peregrine in Svalbard showing the bed of the glacier and an internal layer (red arrows).


  1. peregrine.jpg
    Open Radar Code Architecture (ORCA): A Platform for Software-defined Coherent Chirped Radar Systems
    Thomas O. Teisberg*, Anna L. Broome*, and Dustin M. Schroeder
    *Equal contribution
    Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024